Today is a somber day, I wake up every September 11th, thinking back to the day that changed America forever. I woke up that morning with my, then 2 year old daughter not feeling well. She stayed home with my now ex-husband with a tummy ache. I remember kissing her goodbye wrapped up in her jammies and a blanket. I headed off to work with fond thoughts of the day to come; it was the day my co-workers were throwing a baby shower to celebrate the baby boy still in my tummy. As I was pulling into the office parking lot, the radio DJ, with a very concerned and puzzled sound in his voice, said a plane just hit a building in New York...
Fast forward, as I stood in the electronics department at the local Walmart buying a radio to take to the office to stay informed, all of the TV's stacked up on display along the back wall suddenly broke to a live feed. There I stood, watching one of the once magnificent twin towers fall to the ground in flames, a plume of dust and debris, tears rolling down my face in dead silence as other people gathered around, strangers embracing other strangers... I made my way back to the office and asked to cancel the party, there wasn't anything to celebrate. My office in Tulsa Oklahoma, closed early that day and I was thankful my daughter was at home with a tummy ache. I slept with her next to my side for a week.
Every 9/11, when I wake up I take a minute and pray for the families and first responders who are suffering and quietly thank them in my thoughts.
I am grateful and thankful for all first responders, and those with the passion to jump in and help others in need.
